SMARTSTART Secret Mastermind
My Secret Mastermind is for top performers, brilliant leaders, and extraordinary entrepreneurs as well as those who aspire to reach those heights. It isn’t what you might expect and, so simple, it’s practically impossible to not get closer to realizing your full potential while blowing your own mind over how much you can achieve when you do the right work.
Stop trying to be normal. Forget about business as usual! It’s way too boring. To succeed in any industry, you must stand out. This requires fresh, break-out thinking that makes the best use of your inherent genius — the genius you’ve lost touch with along the way.
How it works
Here are my criteria for admission:
- You have to have already made a dollar or two with your business.
- You want to get more clients, sell more stuff, and keep more money.
- You must be willing to focus on the bottom line — results are measured and reported weekly (which means you must commit to making daily progress).
Here’s what you WON’T be doing:
- Exchanging information with other members of the mastermind in private Facebook groups or in person. (There’s no Facebook group or online community. You won’t even know who the other people in the Secret Mastermind are.)
- Spending time on coaching calls. (There aren’t any. You won’t need them.)
- Stopping work to attend meetups and spending money to travel to mastermind events. (There’s none of that either.)
My Secret Mastermind is distraction free and strictly about getting things done, not talking about or learning how to do things. It has only one purpose and a singular focus: to ensure you’re working on the right things to move yourself forward each week.
Rules for participation
The rules are also simple:
RULE 1: You accept that you, and you alone, are responsible for your results.
RULE 2: You commit to completing just ONE single activity for each of the 52 weeks you’re in the Secret Mastermind — replying to an email in which I’ll ask you the same three questions every Friday:
- Did you accomplish your one #1 task this week?
- What is your one #1 task for next week?
- Is there anything else you want to share with respect to your progress?
What to expect
It should take you less than 10 minutes to do this weekly reporting. The rest of the time you’ll be doing your own thing, as usual. Your reply is due by Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern.
While the questions are always the same, the thought-provoking message in each email is fresh and different.
No one but me sees your responses. I read every email sent in reply on Monday. I rarely respond back to you. That’s not the point or value of the Secret Mastermind.
The value is in having a structure for reporting, developing the habit of weekly accountability, and knowing you’re spending your focused time well, while improving week after week.
One email. One year. One price. Multiple benefits.
Here’s what you’ll have at the end of the cycle:
- Huge rewards from a small investment in your own success.
- An ongoing record of the micro-commitments you made and metrics proving they were kept.
- A means of clearing your mind at week’s end so you can start fresh every Monday.
It’s practically impossible for your business to not grow when you do this weekly reporting. You’ll be much more productive in every way possible.
PS There are no refunds. There’s no nagging. There’s no pitching. There’s nothing that comes after. Just one email every Friday (for 52 weeks) that you reply to by end of day Sunday. Or not, if you’re not serious about growing your business.